
Restored A Dog With A Tvt Tumor That Had Ruptured Infected Wounds.

There was a silent cry for help as Balu, a once lively stray dog, found himself battling against a vicious enemy – a CTVT tumor. The tumor had burst, leaving behind a trail of infection infested with maggots. One fateful day, a team from RRSA India stumbled upon Balu, his eyes pleading for relief from the pain and suffering. Without hesitation, they whisked him away to safety, where the journey of healing began.

Balu’s journey was not an easy one. A trail of infection infested with maggots was left behind by the ruptured tumor. It was a race against time to save him. Watch Till The End.

Balu found himself in the care of compassionate vets who understood the urgency of his condition. Scrotal ablation surgery was performed, removing the source of Balu’s torment and cleansing the wound of infection. But the battle was far from over. Balu required chemotherapy to ensure that no remnants of the tumor lingered, threatening his life once more.

Three Days Later… One Week Later… But the battle was far from over. Balu’s body was weak and malnourished, his immune system compromised by months of neglect. Chemotherapy was administered to ensure that no traces of the tumor remained, while multivitamins and medicines were prescribed to help him regain his strength and vitality.

Balu will stay at the RRSA shelter until he becomes well.

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